ShellNoob 2.0 is out!

Tags: #shellnoob, #shellcode, #ctf.

ShellNoob 2.0 is out!! You might now ask with a mix of suspicion and astonishment:

what whaaat??

Yep, you got it right! A new version is out!

For those who haven't read the first blog post, ShellNoob is a shellcode writing toolkit that helps you dealing with the boring, error-prone, and painful steps, leaving only the fun part to you! At least that's the goal :)

From when I published the first version (exactly three months ago!) a lot of stuff happened. First, I'll be lucky enough to have a chance to give a demo and to present ShellNoob at Black Hat USA Arsenal! Here is the announcement/abstract: Second, a shitton of new features got added!

Here it is the new updated feature list:

The source code and a (hopefully enough) informative README (with all the details, use cases, etc) is on github: Check it out! Please send all the bug reports and swears to yanick [AT] / @reyammer. All feedback is welcome :-)


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